
What is Chats?

In the Chats tab, you can view the list of ongoing conversations and immediately resume any ongoing chat.

Storychat offers two types of conversations:

  • 1:1 AI Chat: This is the most common type of conversation where a user engages in a one-on-one chat with an AI character. You can generate content from interesting parts of the conversation.

  • Group Chat: An advanced form of 1:1 AI Chat where multiple AIs or multiple users can simultaneously converse with a single AI. This format allows for the creation of richer content due to the participation of diverse entities.


Storychat provides various chat features.

Create Image & Video

You can create images or videos generated by AI through simple prompt inputs. The supported sizes and generation types are as follows:

  • Size:

    • High: 1024 x 1024

    • Low: 64 x 64

  • Generation Types:

    • Text to Image

    • Image to Image

You can start image creation by entering information about the image in the Positive Prompt and Negative Prompt fields.

  • Positive Prompt: Describes the desired subject of the image.

  • Negative Prompt: Describes elements to exclude from the final image.

Voice Mode

You can listen to AI character responses in voice mode, providing an experience akin to talking on the phone with an AI character through the auto-play mode.

Create Story

You can create a Story using the conversations you have had with AI characters and share it on the Feed. Utilizing Storychat's AI conversation and story creation technology, you can generate content quickly and easily. This feature can inspire web novel and webtoon creators, reduce their working time, and enable anyone to become a creator. Successful Stories that receive positive reactions on the Feed can generate revenue for the Story Maker. Detailed instructions on story creation are available in the Tutorial.

Role play Mode

Storychat’s character AI understands the user's conversation style and gestures. The AI character combines dialogue and actions appropriately, displayed through a visible UI.

Unlike typical dialogue, gestures or actions are indicated with * markers.

Example: *slaps cheek*

Enabling Role Play Mode allows for this immersive experience, and it can be easily turned off if you prefer standard conversations.

Switch Language

Occasionally, you may encounter awkward sentences that seem like they’ve been translated. Storychat’s AI provides a natural multilingual environment. You can switch to your preferred language by clicking the Switch Language button. Currently, nine languages are supported:

  • English

  • Korean

  • Japanese

  • Chinese

  • Pakistani

  • Filipino

  • Russian

  • Spanish

  • Vietnamese

Select AI or Character

You can freely change the AI model or the character's settings during conversations. Different AI models offer varied responses and tones. If you want to chat with a new character but retain the existing conversation context, you can switch characters mid-chat using the Select Character button.


If you want to erase the character's memory and start a new conversation from scratch, you can use the Reset feature to initiate a fresh dialogue.

Storychat provides these features to offer users innovative and diverse conversational experiences.

Last updated