
What is Explore?

Explore is the section where you can discover all the characters and stories available on Storychat. The Explore page provides three main types of information:

  • Leaderboard

  • Characters

  • Stories

Using the basic UI, users can browse high-ranking characters and stories, or utilize the search function to find specific characters or stories they are interested in.


The leaderboard displays participants who are currently ranked at the top. The following ecosystem participants are tracked and displayed on the leaderboard:

  • Story Maker

  • Story

  • Character

Through the leaderboard, users can directly access the content of top creators or characters. Each participant's contribution and score are measured based on various criteria, and rewards are given at the end of each season.

For more details about Storychat's seasonal operations and reward system, refer to the Seasonal Leaderboard section.

The Explore feature allows users to easily navigate through Storychat’s diverse content and creators, discovering intriguing stories and characters.

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