Create Stories

The Story is the most crucial content in Storychat.

Each Story comprises multiple Chats, with each Chat representing the smallest shareable unit of a dialogue. Creators can set each Chat as either free or paid content.

To attract user interest, it is recommended to share at least the first five Chats of a Story for free.

If you come across a dialogue you like during a conversation with a character, press the Plus button and then the Create Story button to access the Story creation page.

You can select the messages to be included in the Chat by tapping them.

After selecting the desired messages, choose which Story to include the newly created Chat in.

Write a title and a brief description for the Chat.

Decide whether the Chat includes NSFW content and if you want to set it as paid content.

Enable NSFW Content: If the Chat contains explicit or violent images and concepts, this option must be enabled. Failure to activate this option when providing NSFW content may result in penalties according to the regulations.

Last updated